VLDB conferences have become a celebrity seat for co-located workshops on topics related to data management. Continuing this tradition, VLDB 2006, to be held in Seoul, Korea, from September 12 to 15, 2006, plans to feature a set of co-located workshops. Proposals for workshops are hereby invited and should be submitted to the VLDB 2006 Workshop co-Chairs by February 7, 2006.

General Information

  • Co-located workshops must be on topics that are of interest to VLDB attendees.
  • Workshop duration can be 1 day, 1.5 day and 2 days (September 10th and 11th only). Workshops will be held at the VLDB 2006 Venue, the Convention and Exhibition Center (COEX), Seoul, Korea. Each meeting room accommodates 50 people with tables (or 100 without tables).
  • Proposals should include workshop title, description of topic, workshop organizer(s), (potential) members of the program committee, important dates, expected number of participants, and preferred duration and workshop dates.
  • The decision on acceptance/rejection of workshop proposals will be made on the basis of overall quality of the proposal, fitness with respect to the expected VLDB 2006 program, and availability of venue capacity. Please note that only accepted workshops are official VLDB workshops and enjoy support as described below.

Important Dates

  • Workshop proposals are due February 7, 2006. Proposals should be sent to either of the VLDB 2006 Workshop co-Chairs; Ming-Chien Shan, HP Labs, USA (mingchien.shan@gmail.com), and Sang-goo Lee, Seoul National University, Korea (sglee@snu.ac.kr).
  • Notification of acceptance/rejection will be given by February 28, 2006.
  • Recommended deadline for workshop paper submissions is April 15, 2006, and the notification of accepted papers should be given by June 1, 2006.

Workshop Fees and Operations

  • All accepted workshops are required to join, and benefit from, the general registration process of VLDB 2006. Though people are encouraged to also attend VLDB proper, it will be possible to register just for a workshop.
  • A fixed amount ($100 for 1 day, $150 for 1.5 day, and $180 for 2 days) will be charged per workshop participant which covers workshop room and facilities, coffee service, lunch (one per full day), and informal proceedings.
  • Each workshop is expected to have at least 20 paid registrants. Otherwise, VLDB 2006 organizers reserve the right to cancel the workshop.
  • Formal proceedings are to be handled by the individual workshop organizers. VLDB 2006 organizers will provide informal proceedings which are bound photocopies of accepted papers. It is the individual workshop organizers' responsibility to collect and assemble the papers in the right format for both the formal and the informal proceedings, and also to post accepted papers on a Web site.
  • The organizers of individual workshops are required to closely cooperate with the VLDB 2006 organizers in finalizing all details of operations. Workshops are encouraged to have their own local chairs.